

You can use these APIs to get stock information.

All Stocks

Retrieve a list of all stocks available in the specified region (US in this case).


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
pagePage number0querynumber
pageSizePage size10querynumber


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Details By ID

Retrieves detailed information about a specific stock using its unique identifier. This endpoint is useful for obtaining comprehensive data about a particular stock, including its type, class, and other pertinent details.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring
idUnique identifier6203d1ba1e6748752755559apathstring


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Details By Symbol

Retrieves detailed information about a specific stock using its symbol, asset class and region. This endpoint is useful for obtaining comprehensive data about a particular stock, including its type, class, and other pertinent details.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring
symbolSymbol of the stock.AAPLquerystring
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
asset_classAsset class (equity, stock)querystring


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Historical Price

Retrieves the historical price of a stock in a specified region. This endpoint is useful for investors looking to track the price of a stock over time.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
symbolsComma-separated list of stock symbolsAKBNK,ASELSqueryarray
keysComma-separated list of keys for which statistics are required.queryarray


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Historical Price with Custom Date range and Interval

Retrieves the historical price of a stock in specificed time range and interval. This endpoint can be useful if you want to increase the frequency of the data you receive.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
stockIt can be either stock symbol or stock id you got from other endpoints.AKBNKquerystring
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
fromDateStart date of the data range.querydate
toDateStart date of the data range.querydate
intervalInterval of the datapoints.querystring
detailIf true, also returns the unadjusted price data even if stock is split or other corporate actions are applied.queryboolean


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Tick Rules and Limits

You can retrieve the tick rules for creating orderbook and also the upper and lower price limits for a stock.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
symbolSymbol of the stock.AKBNKquerystring


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Restrictions

You can retrieve the restrictions for a stock.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
symbolSymbol of the stock.AKBNKquerystring


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

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