

You can use these APIs to get stock information.

All Stocks

Retrieve a list of all stocks available in the specified region (US in this case).


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Stock Details By ID

Retrieves detailed information about a specific stock using its unique identifier. This endpoint is useful for obtaining comprehensive data about a particular stock, including its type, class, and other pertinent details.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring
idUnique identifier6203d1ba1e6748752755559apathstring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Stock Details By Symbol

Retrieves detailed information about a specific stock using its symbol, asset class and region. This endpoint is useful for obtaining comprehensive data about a particular stock, including its type, class, and other pertinent details.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring
symbolSymbol of the stock.AAPLquerystring
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
asset_classAsset class (equity, stock)querystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Stock Historical Price

Retrieves the historical price of a stock in a specified region. This endpoint is useful for investors looking to track the price of a stock over time.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
symbolsComma-separated list of stock symbolsAKBNK,ASELSqueryarray
keysComma-separated list of keys for which statistics are required.queryarray


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

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