
Stock Fundamentals

Stock Dividends

Retrieves dividend information for a specific stock in a given region. It's designed for users interested in historical dividend data and related financial metrics of specific stocks.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
symbolSymbol of the stock.TUPRSquerystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Stock Stats

Provides statistical data for multiple stocks in a specified region. This endpoint is particularly useful for investors seeking key financial statistics like previous close, year-to-date return, yearly return, and market capitalization for a selection of stocks.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
symbolsComma-separated list of stock symbols. Example: "AKBNK,ASELS"AKBNK,ASELSquerystring
keysComma-separated list of keys for which statistics are required. Example: "previous_close,ytd_return,yearly_return,market_cap,fk"querystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Top Gainers

Retrieves information about the top moving stocks in a specified region. This endpoint is valuable for investors looking to track stocks with significant price changes within the region.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

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