

Industries are way to get a list of stocks that has similar characteristics. They are great for building a visually appealing UI for your users.

Industries List

Retrieve a list of industries along with the number of stocks in each, filtered by the specified region.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Industries Detail

Retrieve detailed information about a specific industry, including a list of stocks within that industry, filtered by locale for the Turkish market.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
idUnique identifier65533e441fa5c7b58afa0944pathstring
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

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