
Stock Historical Ratios

Stock Financial Ratio Comparison

This API endpoint provides a detailed comparison of financial ratios for a specified stock symbol in a given region. It includes metrics like growth, normalized values, and details such as individual ratio components compared to sector averages.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
symbolSymbol of the stock.TUPRSquerystring


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Financial Ratios

Retrieves historical financial ratios for a specified stock symbol in a given region. The response includes various financial metrics such as PE ratio, ROE, ROA, and ROIC for different fiscal years and quarters, along with sector averages for comparison.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
symbolSymbol of the stock.TUPRSquerystring
slugsComma-separated list of financial ratios to retrieve (e.g., "pe-ratio,roe,roa,roic").pe-ratio,roe,roa,roicquerystring


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Historical Ratios Descriptions

Provides descriptions of various financial ratios in the specified locale. This endpoint is useful for understanding the meaning and significance of different financial metrics used in historical ratios.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

Stock Historical Financial Sheets

Retrieves historical financial sheet data for a specified stock symbol within a given date range. This endpoint provides detailed financial sheet information such as balance sheets, with options for cumulative or periodic reports, in a specified currency and region.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
fromStart date in YYYY-MM-DD format.2021-01-01querystring
toStart date in YYYY-MM-DD format.2021-10-01querystring
symbolSymbol of the stock.TUPRSquerystring
regionRegion code (tr, us)querystring
sheetTypeType of financial sheet (e.g., balanceSheet).querystring
periodTypeWhen financial statements are reported, they are usually reported “cumulative". For example 2022/6 is reported as the first 6 months and 2022/9 for the first 9 months. To get the income for the 3rd quarter (and only the 3rd quarter, so between months 6 and 9), we would need to subtract the cumulative 2022/9 value from the cumulative 2022/6 value. The trailing 4 quarters can be added to annualize these values, which removes the seasonal nature of data.querystring
currency Currency in which the financial data is returned. If the region is set to "us", only accepted value is "USD" otherwise all currencies are valid. querystring


(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)

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