Live Price of stocks in BIST
You can refer to this page to see how to get live price of stocks in BIST. Connection is done via SSE (Server Sent Events).
Live Price of stocks in BIST
Retrieves live BIST data for a specified stock symbol. This endpoint is useful for investors looking to track the price of a stock in real-time.
Please use a tool like postman to test this endpoint since it requires a SSE connection.
Name | Description | Example | Parameter Type | Data Type |
filter | Comma-separated list of stock symbols. if not provided, all stocks will be returned. | AKBNK,ASELS | query | array |
region | Region code (tr, us) | query | string | |
stream | Unique identifier for the stream. | d37dc7ae-de1e-44af-8a5c-02b257570a0e | query | string |
(Note: Actual response can be different length and other fields may be present)