
Custom Themes

Custom Themes are a great way to compile your own list of stocks to provide your users. Create your own themes and display them your platform with a nice UI.

Custom Themes

Get a list of all your custom themes. Pass the locale to retreive with localized data.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Custom Theme Detail

Retrieve detailed information about a specific theme you created. Pass the locale to retreive with localized data. You can also pass in `price_change` for the `sortBy` parameter to sort the stocks by daily price change percent.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
idUnique identifier6256b0647d0bb100123effa7pathstring
localeLocale code (tr, en)querystring
sortBySort the stocks in a collection by a specific field. Currently only supports `price_change`.querystring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Create New Custom Theme

Create a new custom theme with the specified data.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
titleLocalized title for a custom theme. { "en": "Rising Stocks", "tr": "Yükselen Hisseler" } bodyobject
descriptionLocalized description for a custom theme. { "en": "Recently rising stocks.", "tr": "Son zamanlarda yükselen hisseler." } bodyobject
stocksList of stock IDs as string["61dd0d4b0ec2114146342f69","61dd0d820ec211414634303e"]bodyarray
image_urlDefault resolution imagehttps://finfree-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/collection-images/ihracat-sampiyonlari_original.webpbodystring
downscaled_image_urlMedium resolution imagehttps://finfree-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/collection-images/ihracat-sampiyonlari_avatar.webpbodystring
avatar_urlLowest resolution imagehttps://finfree-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/collection-images/ihracat-sampiyonlari_avatar.webpbodystring
orderOrder of this custom theme3bodynumber
statusStatus of the themebodystring
meta_dataAdditional optional data { "color": "#FF0000" } bodyobject


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Delete a Custom Theme

Delete a custom theme you have previously created.


NameDescriptionExampleParameter TypeData Type
idUnique identifier6256b0647d0bb100123effa7pathstring


(Note: Actual response can be longer)

Do you have any questions?

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